These Accessories Take Your Cross Stitching to the Next Level!

Cross stitching is taking the world by storm, and I am HERE FOR IT. I completed my very first cross stitch as at 16 years old – literally half my life ago (stares into the void…). I’m both surprised at how popular it has become, and delightfully thrilled that the world has finally realized that this ‘old grandma craft’ is versatile, fun, and rewarding.

For all my new cross stitch cronies out there, here are some accessories and tools that are sure to level up your stitching game!

Needle Minders

Never you needle mind! No needle is at risk of being lost in the couch or stuck to the bottom of someone’s foot when you have a needle minder! This magnet sticks right to your work and will hold your needle safely with your project.

You’ll find a ton of needle minders on Etsy. I actually just bought this one from Snarky Crafter Designs.

Hoop Stand

Hoop stands are incredibly efficient if you want to be more hands-free. This contraption secures your work so that it can sit on a desk, on the ground, or even under your bum to hold it in place!

I cannot stress enough how. much. easier. your life becomes after you start using this device. Think about this; without a hoop stand, you are using your hands to hold your work. You change hands every 2 or 3 seconds to move your needle back and forth through your fabric. Now, if you have a hoop stand, there is no time wasted by changing hands while holding your hoop. You are hands free, baby!

You can snag these at most craft stores – here are some that are on Etsy!

Crafting Light

Getting a good light on your work is essential. Solid lighting will help you fix mistakes in your work and enhance your concentration.

Bonus reason it’s awesome: when your husband is trying to pwn some Halo newbs in the dark or watch some programs theater-style, you can still be present in the room without having to have every light on in the house to see your work.

I have something like what you see below. I clip it right to my hoop stand!

Beeswax – yes, beeswax.

I just discovered this, and I cannot believe I did not know about this sooner. Check this out – when you use beeswax to condition your thread, you will be able to:

  1. Avoid fraying
  2. Keep your strands together
  3. AVOID TANGLES (which is legitimately the worst part of cross stitching)

Check out these cute little wax thread conditioners by Posey Handmade!

Over-The-Ear Headphones

Yes. You need these for your Audible true crime novels and your banter podcasts. Your ethereal Spotify playlists and your inspirational TEDtalks. Get bass-heavy. Get amped up. Get hyphy. Get creative. Absolutely the best way to achieve an inspirational cross-stitching session and way better than TV.

Get into it..


Want more accessory ideas?! Go to my Pinterest Page

Published by Sunwolf Stitches

Sammy is the craft-loving, adventure-seeking, food-eliminating creator of Sunwolf Stitches. She loves to write about quirky ideas, marathon watch Netflix series, and go on long walks with her husky, Miles.