These Accessories Take Your Cross Stitching to the Next Level!

Cross stitching is taking the world by storm, and I am HERE FOR IT. I completed my very first cross stitch as at 16 years old – literally half my life ago (stares into the void…). I’m both surprised at how popular it has become, and delightfully thrilled that the world has finally realized that this ‘old grandma craft’ is versatile, fun, and rewarding.

For all my new cross stitch cronies out there, here are some accessories and tools that are sure to level up your stitching game!

Needle Minders

Never you needle mind! No needle is at risk of being lost in the couch or stuck to the bottom of someone’s foot when you have a needle minder! This magnet sticks right to your work and will hold your needle safely with your project.

You’ll find a ton of needle minders on Etsy. I actually just bought this one from Snarky Crafter Designs.

Hoop Stand

Hoop stands are incredibly efficient if you want to be more hands-free. This contraption secures your work so that it can sit on a desk, on the ground, or even under your bum to hold it in place!

I cannot stress enough how. much. easier. your life becomes after you start using this device. Think about this; without a hoop stand, you are using your hands to hold your work. You change hands every 2 or 3 seconds to move your needle back and forth through your fabric. Now, if you have a hoop stand, there is no time wasted by changing hands while holding your hoop. You are hands free, baby!

You can snag these at most craft stores – here are some that are on Etsy!

Crafting Light

Getting a good light on your work is essential. Solid lighting will help you fix mistakes in your work and enhance your concentration.

Bonus reason it’s awesome: when your husband is trying to pwn some Halo newbs in the dark or watch some programs theater-style, you can still be present in the room without having to have every light on in the house to see your work.

I have something like what you see below. I clip it right to my hoop stand!

Beeswax – yes, beeswax.

I just discovered this, and I cannot believe I did not know about this sooner. Check this out – when you use beeswax to condition your thread, you will be able to:

  1. Avoid fraying
  2. Keep your strands together
  3. AVOID TANGLES (which is legitimately the worst part of cross stitching)

Check out these cute little wax thread conditioners by Posey Handmade!

Over-The-Ear Headphones

Yes. You need these for your Audible true crime novels and your banter podcasts. Your ethereal Spotify playlists and your inspirational TEDtalks. Get bass-heavy. Get amped up. Get hyphy. Get creative. Absolutely the best way to achieve an inspirational cross-stitching session and way better than TV.

Get into it..


Want more accessory ideas?! Go to my Pinterest Page

10 Holiday Songs That Totally Slap

Holiday season is upon us, yes yes. It feels a little wonky this year, doesn’t it? We’ve had a hell of a 2020 that has given us unrelenting hand contact straight to the face over and over. So this season, I wanted to pay homage to the holiday music that SLAPS BACK.

Here are 10 Holiday songs that totally SLAP.

1. Hey Sis, It’s Christmas – RuPaul ft. Markaholic

2. Sleigh Bells – PhatCap! Remix

3. Christmas In Hollis – Run DMC

4. Frosty The Snowman – Santa Sabbath

5. A Christmas F*cking Miracle – Run the Jewels

6. Silent Night – The Tamlins and Trinity

7. Things I Want – Tenacious D & Sum 41

8. Bells, Bows, Gifts, Trees – Todrick Hall

9. Secret Santa – Ana Gasteye and Maya Rudolf

10. Christmas Time is Here – Khruangbin


Soothe Your Soul With These Unique Craft Kits

Stressful times call for calming measures. Whether you’re working on yourself, building your community, or building your career, we all need a respite from our daily toils now and then. Crafting can be incredibly therapeutic way to give yourself a break and make nurture you creative spirit.

However lovely this process sounds, picking up a new project can be daunting; especially when you want to try something new. Luckily, there are amazing small business owners who are ready to give you the tools you need to shine through a creative burst seamlessly.

Here are 7 types of craft kits you can try that include everything you need to master your project!


The one hook wonder! Crocheting is a great way to break into the yarn world (and trust me, it’s addicting). And if you’re a first time hooker (hehe), it can be incredibly difficult to figure out all the materials and instructions you require. A great place to start is with a full kit that will give you everything you need to create your project. Check out We Crochet’s Learn to Crochet Club kits and get yourself started!


Cross stitching is all the rage these days. It was also my first fiber love <3 With this craft, it’s all about patience. After all, you are essentially creating an image out of hundreds (or even thousands! whoa…) of little colored squares. I’ve seen many beautiful geometric animal-centric kits come from Velvet Pony Design.


I basically consider embroidery ‘painting with thread.’ There are so many beautiful techniques with this craft with endless possibilities. If you are looking to create your next masterpiece, check out Nelly Makes Embroidery kits! Her designs are out of this world (literally)!

Needle Felting

This delightful craft is both satisfying and fun and looks absolutely delightful on fabric. Want to try your hand at it?? Felted Sky has got you covered! You’ll look like a pro and have a new art piece that will dazzle your housemates.

Punch Needle

Just like it sounds – you basically stab large thread through fabric to create a unique design! Get your anger out with punch needle kits by Rise Tailor Studio!


The art of tying knots! Spruce up your wall, hang your plants, make a bracelet, or upgrade your key ring with this soothing art. Want to try it? Check out macrame kits by Moss Points North! You even get to choose your cord color (ooOOOooo :D)

Paint By Numbers

Not just for kids anymore! You can certainly find a plethora of paint by number kits from big name retailers. However! There are amazing Etsy artists who are taking it to the next level. For a Paint By Numbers that is truly unique, check out Stretarbokgems.

Now get crafting!

For more creative kit ideas, visit my Pinterest page!

Stay quirky, friends 🙂

Host the Best Pumpkin Carving Party Ever!

Ah yes, pumpkin season. Every October we flock to grocery stores, pumpkin patches, and even our own gardens to pick out a gourd to disembowel and display proudly on our porches. Kind of a weird tradition, but also hilariously delightful!

The roots (no pun intended) of Halloween pumpkin carving date back to 19th century Ireland. There’s even a creepy Irish legend to go with it – old Stingy Jack made a deal with the devil and was doomed to walk around Earth forever with a candle-laden turnip to light his way. Whoa.

I recently attended a bangin’ pumpkin carving party (with a very small group, given a global pandemic and all) and, I must say, it was top notch. So great, in fact, that I’d like to share this perfect formula with you! If you are hosting a pumpkin carving party this weekend, this is how to host the best PUMPKIN CARVING PARTY EVER.

Where do I get a pumpkin?

First, you need pumpkins. But where do I get them? Ahh!

This is NOT where we went but doesn’t this look awesome?

Luckily, during October they are literally everywhere. If you and your crew are in it for the day, I suggest going to a pumpkin patch and plucking the perfect prize from the ground yourself. Extra bonus for this because you are supporting local farmers <3

Getting your spooky supplies.

You can get great supplies at your local grocery store, craft store or any other large retailer (even Lowe’s has them!). If you are looking for supplies, there are two routes you can go:

Easy-going style with Pumpkin Masters


Additionally, you might want to grab some stencils, tea lights, tape and Sharpies to make sure you have everything you need to have a seamless carving experience.

Setting the Mood.

Now that you have your pumpkin and your basic tools, you gotta set the Halloween mood! Get some entertainment action for those who need a break from seeing orange with these movie and music playlists.

Hocus Pocus – a total CLASSIC

Setting Up Your Carving Paradise

You gotta have a crafty layout to mitigate ultimate messy disaster and optimum fun. Here’s some things to make sure to have laid out:

  • Paper shopping bags, newspaper, etc. on the table AND on the ground below (there will be guts, they might fly!)
  • All of your funky carving tools
  • Stencils
  • A big bowl for collecting pumpkin seeds
  • A receptacle to collect all those GUTS
  • Tape
  • Sharpies
  • Tissues to wipe the tears of joy running down everyone’s face

Choosing a Design

Picking a design is one of the hardest parts. Do I go with something really simple? Do I challenge myself with something intricate? What if I cut out the wrong piece and ruin my day? Why what why why??

Take a breath.

If you are in absolute turmoil, use a stencil (many come with kits). Or simply draw out a simple jack-o-latern face from your imagination and just go with it!

If none of those appeal to you, think of something that makes you happy and then use google and type in something like “[insert favorite Disney character] pumpkin carving.”

I personally went on Google and typed in “Alice in Wonderland pumpkin carving” and found this picture to use.

BONUS TIP IF YOU’RE STUCK: If you have a pet, search the web for animal stencils. You won’t be disappointed. My friend wanted to complete an pumpkin pooch:

Draw Out Your Stencil

Freehand with Sharpie

I personally like to challenge myself to freehand my stencil. Pumpkins come in a billion shapes and sizes – free handing can help you adjust the size of the stencil to the size of your pumpkin.

Taping a Stencil on the Pumpkin

Cut out a stencil that you have printed or from a book directly onto the pumpkin. You can then trace it out using a tracing tool (see below) or go crazy and start carving right through it (you’re wild!).

Tips on transferring a stencil HERE

Carving Tricks that are a Total Treat

  • When cutting a hole in the top of the pumpkin, make sure to angle inward towards the stem. This ensures that your little final product pumpkin hat stays in place and doesn’t fall through.
  • Scrape out your pumpkin THOROUGHLY. If you don’t, you might have some little stringy bits that might get in the way of the design when lit.
  • If cutting around Sharpie, make sure to line your cuts around the edge of the Sharpie line so that you don’t see Sharpie in your final design.

Making Pumpkin Seeds (while you carve!)


Save your pumpkin seeds in a big bowl and roast them up as you create your masterpiece! Try to avoid putting lots of guts in the bowl. Want some recipes? You got it!

6 Easy Roasted Pumpkin Seed Recipes

BONUS TIP: Fill your seed collection bowl with water before adding the seeds. The guts will sink to the bottom, the seeds will stay on the top! Then strain gently, pushing the seeds from the top of the water into a colander. Boom!

Light em up!

You’ve done it – the seeds are roasted, Hocus Pocus is lighting up the screen, and now you’ll be lighting up the porch with your pumpkin! Bring them outside, light a tea candle and feel the spirit of Halloween overcome you! You can clap, hoot, holler, and dance around them in pagan joy. Pour out some cider for loved ones lost and steep in the Halloween magic.

As you can see in this photo, we are very much delighted by our own creations…

Sammy, don’t you usually talk about crochet?

Yes. But I was moved by the pumpkin carving extravaganza! Fear not though, I’ve also looked into some awesome crocheted pumpkin patterns. Have a crochet party and sub out the gourds for the yarn!


As always, stay quirky and happy crafting!

8 Handmade Beards to Warm Up Your Face This Winter

Let’s face it – beards are freaking cool. They are also (I presume) very cozy, warm, and so versatile! Who doesn’t love beards? NO ONE. No one doesn’t love beards (there’s your daily dose of double negatives – you’re welcome. I’m sure a few grammar junkies are tearing their hair out).

When I look back at my Facebook photos over the years, I’ve found countless photographic evidence of me adorning fabricated facial hair. I must admit that this love of beards has spanned beyond the past decade.

To celebrate this ongoing adoration for the beard – here are 8 quirky beards you can make yourself to keep you and your loved ones warm this winter:

The Viking

Viking traits – strong, burly, brooding, and always with a giant long beard to maintain! Masters of Long Beard Realness, Ravna and Harald look ready break out the mead!

The Lumberjack

Someone call the Brawny man! This lumberjack is ready to chop wood AND keep his face warm and protected.

Baby’s First Beard

Put down the bottle and pick up the beard trimmer. I mean, look at these babies. This is just adorable. Whether it’s for function or for show, what a crowd-pleaser!

Check out the pattern!

The Irish Chin Beard

This beard is sure to bring joy to anyone’s heart. With a little luck, you’ll be the life of the party at your next socially distant hang.

The Gimli

Any Lord of the Rings fans out there?! Halloween is right around the corner, so if you are trying to get your dwarf on, this is the beard for you.

(Axe not included.)

Santa Glow Up

This Santa is ready to SLEIGH. St. Nick was so done with the over-the-top bushy beard and went with something more trendy and modern.

Incognito Mustache Cowl

Are you a spy? If you are, don’t tell us. We know you want to keep your identity a secret. And to ensure chief anonymity, make yourself an Incognito Cowl.

Lastly, the Mustache Face Mask

Ah yes, Covid times (and I really mean this, I hope everyone is being safe out there, we will get through this!). A little ‘stache on this crocheted face mask will help lift the spirits of your friends, family, and even the local grocery store employee you visit with once a week. Protection with a touch of elegant whimsy.

There you have it. Beards, 8 of them. Keep calm and beard on, my friends.

For more beards, check out my Pinterest!

Stay quirky and happy crafting <3