
Welcome to Sunwolf Stitches! My name is Sammy – thank you for joining me on this crafty adventure. It’s nice tah meetcha!

What is Sunwolf Stitches?

Sunwolf Stitches is my personal brand and blog dedicated to serving you with quirky crafting ideas, easy-to-follow tutorials, and just other general weirdness from me. Although my particular forte is in the cross-stitch and crochet world realm, I’ll be delving into all kinds of crafts that will inspire you to create!

The blog is for anyone who wants to build their crafty skills and enjoy the humorous side of being creative. There is a little something in here for anyone with a desire to design, construct, and produce adorable doo-dads for yourself or your loved ones!

I’m here to be your travel buddy through the oversaturated world of the internet and bring you ideas and inspo that are super easy to access and even easier to digest (much like my favorite vice, Velveeta Mac’n’Cheese…mmmm Veleeta).

What do you get from Sunwolf Stitches blogs?

SWS posts are fast and fun. No longwinded musings about how I got this far in life and what and why and how I came to love Velvetta Mac’n’Cheese (did I talk about Velveeta already?). We’ll discuss different topics and themes around crafting, and sharing projects I’ve discovered that are accessible and fun for anyone with a sense of humor and the right mindset to achieve!

Here’s a short list of what kind of posts to expect:

  • Fun easy projects you can definitely do yourself
  • Reviews on craft kits from small business owners
  • Tutorials on crochet, embroidery, and cross-stitch basics
  • Highlight pieces on an array of fiber art mediums
  • Dives into big crafty topics (example: what’s better?? Crochet vs. Knitting??)

A little about me…

I’ve been a crafty, artsy, musicy, writey, theatery human since birth. I’ve tried my hand a lot of things, but I’ll spare you the details on those triumphs and tribulations. As a whole, I enjoy leaping into big art projects unbounded and unafraid to try new methods and mediums.

Look Ma, I made a thing!

I am by no means an expert, but definitely a passionate Passionista of Craft, Advocate for Individuality, and Celebrateaur of all things Goofy and Fun. And I want to celebrate the work that we make in this world together! I’ve held workshops with friends, personal teaching sessions, and hosted many a craft night – I truly love And I want to share that with you!

I grew up an awkward, outgoing, yet introverted Army Brat who has always been comforted by creating things. I’ve found that they way to get through difficult things in life is through love, creativity, and a little sprinkle of humor.

Where does the name Sunwolf Stitches come from?

What’s in the name, Sunwolf Stitches, you ask?

Well, it’s actually quite special to me. The Sunwolf Stitches brand is dedicated to my dear friend, Allison Plummer (we called her Sun, and Mama Wolf – hey, there it is!). She was a very special human with a lot of special talents who passed away at 29 years old in November of 2017. She was an impeccable cheerleader for everyone she called a friend. I feel honored to have had her in my life.

She was also one hell of an artist. She found inspiration in everyday things; cows, trash, Oprah, friends – the littlest of things were an inspiration to her and led to absolutely stunning work. We all felt lucky to be surrounded by her vibrant presence.

She was freakin’ awesome. This is for you, Sun. <3

How do I become a part of the Sunwolf Crew?

Oh, I thought you’d never ask! Are you ready to Live, Laugh, and Love (jokinngg) with me??

Subscribe to my site and get weekly tips, tricks, ideas, and inspo for your quirky crafting life!

Wanna know something else that’s cool? I’m a low maintenance friend. If you subscribe to emails, you get one juicy blog post a week! That’s it! Just one!

You can also join my Facebook (Sunwolf Stitches), Instagram (you guessed it, @sunwolfstitches) and/or Pinterest (….sunwolfstitches) and get access to more fun ideas, forums, and daily inspo.

These are quirky crafts for creative people!!!